Mystery Blogger Award

img_20180116_220745-806200678.jpgHello All,

So here we go.  So graciously nominated for this Mystery Blogger Award by Daman over at ThisisDamanBlog. Please stop by her page and show some love, as it is filled with beautifully written poetry and color. This Mystery Blogger Award was originally created by Okoto Enigma. These are the rules for this nomination as follows:

Rules :

  1. Put the award logo/image on your blog.
  2. List the rules.
  3. Thank whoever nominated you and provide a link to their blog.
  4. Mention the creator of the award.
  5. Tell the readers three things about yourself.
  6. Nominate 10-20 people.
  7. Notify your nominees by commenting on their blog.
  8. Ask your nominees any 5 questions of your choice, with knee funny or weird question.
  9. Share a link to your best post(s).


The questions asked by Daman are..

Q: What is writing to you?

A: An escape to a world where I take everything that I have viewed, experienced and analyzed throughout my day and reiterate into my own words, feelings and understanding.

Q: Snapchat or Instagram?

A: Tough, I use both. Instagram is where I keep it PG and Snapchat I tend to get a little goofy and childish .. but for the sake of the question I choose Instagram.

Q: What is your favourite Enrique’s song?

A: Sooo… um I’m not closed minded when it comes to music but I have to sadly admit that I do not know of any Enrique songs. My girlfriend just busted out in song as I said that and told me to put “Hero”

Q: Pizza or Pasta?

A: Pizza ! Easier for on the go and easier to share.

Q: Do you believe in true love? If no. Why?

A: Yes. But finding it means you must know what it is like to have pain, so you have something to compare it to.

3 Things about myself:

1- I love anything and everything that has to do with creating art.  From painting to music, from writing to dancing… there is a beauty in creating something from nothing or being able to collaborate with another artist is just beautiful in so many ways.

2- I have a small infatuation with wanting to live in the early 1900’s and reliving it with the knowledge that I have now.  Although I’m not totally into Sci-Fi and time travel, I just think if you could pick me up and plop me down in 1902 I would be home.

3- I work for an assisted living facility and it is one of the greatest places I have ever worked.  The stories and wisdom and things you learn throughout your day (aside from patience) is priceless.


Links to my favorite posts…. (This is like a parent choosing a favorite child..):

1- Idle Hands=Death

2- Raise Up Your Glass

3- Case Closed

4- Sleep paralysis


And Finally the 5 Questions for those accepting my nomination…

  1. Favorite Novelist and Why?
  2. Favorite poet of all time and Why?
  3. Do you find yourself loving or hating our digital world?
  4. Do you think the digital world is better or worse for the writing world?
  5. Cats or Dogs?

Thanks again Daman, I had a lot of fun with this ! 🤗



      1. Nice. I ain’t gonna lie, if it wasn’t for the digital world I wouldnt have shown my writing to anyone. It would remain on thrown out napkins and coasters and forgotten old notebooks.. (who knows where the half of em are?) So I do enjoy that part of it. The feedback from others helps with direction sometimes too.

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