The Used Bookstore


So seductively, books piled up sky high to the ceiling,

it being the only cause for their ascending limitation.

Methodically placed and balanced just so each one acting,

as the cornerstone of its strikingly sturdy foundation.

The unmistakable specific smell of old paper and leather,

in a strange unpredictable way brings welling to my eyes,

flooding in had come the memories of being a volunteer

at my township local library, when I was a youth, arise.

Dreaming of then, a simpler time I reminisce and recall

spending my summer afternoons there with my cousin,

I am suddenly washed over with confusion, wondering

how can such an innocent time in life, now seem so sullen?

As the room gets colder it starts to appear much darker

the light that had sparkled in my mind begins to smolder,

the depths of my self-hating uninvited friend depression

interrupted by the used bookstore owners tap on my shoulder.



© 2018 Joseph Emerson @



    1. I live in a small beach town and the surrounding little towns are all lined with small shops and things. So I had actually moved this bookstore in when I was 21 and working for a moving company. So I stopping in. I guess I may have looked strange staring at a wall and not looking at anything but I was thinking about 3 things at once and to some… they don’t or can’t understand that just by looking at you. I had even commented on how I knew about the upstairs room with the window that looked over Main Street and he just seemed creeped out … not sure why. Maybe I had the wrong bookstore lol

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Hahaa. i do this most of the time. And then suddenly the owner of the shop bursts into the scene stating me a manic but he is not aware of the scent of the books as he spends most of his time in the store. Hahaa

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  1. J…I used that EXACT PHOTO for a poem I wrote a long time ago. . just weird and nice synchronicity!
    You are so evocative and nostalgic in your style. Your words flow over my mind like a warm blanket, it has some tips and tears in it, but they only serve to paint a more vivid and profound picture of this beautiful yet heartbreaking canvas.
    I am so pleased to have found you accidentally.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Joooossseeeph,

    See, you are a writer!!

    Get started on the book!!

    Love your blogs!!

    I’m going to be the FIRST person to buy your New York Times Best Sellers book!!!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Lol Hello there. I am really considering it. I would like to have a collection of too many pieces that I can pull from so I can make it flow the way I would like to in a poetry collection. Every time my mom reads something of mine she is practically begging for me to publish. So many people on here are asking/telling me to. So I’m making it my goal for 2018 👍


      1. Any piece you write— will be a MASTER Piece!!

        I loooove your blogs!!

        Every time I read your blogs, I have a sense of an imagination!! I can see the person of whom you are writing about… I become that person for the moment I’m reading.

        Execute your goal!!

        Liked by 1 person

      2. So glad you like it. I’m in a good place for writing and I’m not letting stuff distract me right now. Taking advantage of my time. Knowing that life sometimes gets whacked and a few days will go by without grabbing a pen. I just need to be okay with that and not let it hinder me in any way.


      3. You got it!!

        Your writing speaks volume!!! More than you know.. Your writing are changing people mindset for the better!!

        Liked by 1 person

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