“may you have this dance”

“I love this song”

I received the subtle hint

One so noteworthy

It needs no print.

I firmly took her hand

aided with her chair

a girl so absolutely stunning

it’s only fitting to stare.

The floor now crowded

we are no longer alone

though unease retracts

in each other’s arms, we’re home.

Lost in this feeling

captivated by the embrace

I am rendered speechless

by her flowing grace.

Each step, breath, and heartbeat

cherished as if it were our last

no dreaming of the future

surely no thoughts of past.

As the song nears its end

she starts to shed a tear

then the band strikes a chord again

the crowd begins to cheer.

_storage_emulated_0_DCIM_Camera_img1467757662509© 2018 Joseph Emerson @ WhatsInsideAMadmansHat.com



      1. Oh, now aren’t you the lucky one! I really loved this and perhaps you can use the inspiration of your girlfriend on the dance floor to write some other great pieces about dancing and love?

        You may want to check out the pieces on my blog “Harmony” and Harmony in a Minor Key”. Great post!

        Liked by 1 person

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