Liebster Award

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Hello again,

I am writing about the Liebster Award today thanks to a nomination from Jeannette over at her site, My Life with PTSD & Bipolar-Mental Heath Matters.   You can find her HERE.

She has an amazing Blog where she writes about Mental Heath topics. Everything from Finding Happiness, depression to Inspirational quotations. Check it out !!!

So without further adieu….

The Official Rules of the Liebster Award 2018

Each blog gets one entry. To enter you must:

  • Link to this blog post in your Liebster Award blog post
  • Answer the questions given to you (if nominated, if you were not nominated you can use my questions)
  • Create more questions for your nominees to answer (I’m looking for unique and creative ones)
  • Comment on this blog post with a link DIRECTLY to your Liebster award. To make it easy for me to read them all.

Entries start 1st Jan 2018 and ends on 25th Dec 2018. The winner will be picked on the 31st of December.

So for the questions Jeannette asked…

Nominee Questions:

  1. 1. If you could pick one thing you are most proud of about your blog, what would it be?

  2. 2. What kinds of self-care tips do you use while writing?

  3. 3. Describe your ideal writing space?

  4. 4. Write a 5 word tagline that you would put on your blog.

  5. 5. What drives you to write a blog on mental health?

  6. 6. What inspired you to blog?


  1. The feedback and flattering responses from all the followers that stop in and read … it’s just amazing when it touches someone and reaches out to someone just at the right moment that they needed it.
  2. Breathing and alone time…
  3. I love writing in a quiet comfortable spot.. in bed, or on the couch alone. QUIET… did I mention quiet?
  4. Can you hear me now?
  5. Life.  Therapy.  The desire to help others which in return helps myself.
  6. I just wanted to write somewhere other than a journal.  I was honestly just curious to see if anyone would like what I had to say…

So now with that said.. Here are my questions for the next set of nominees:

  1. Can you recall the moment you realized that writing was your outlet? If so, please share.
  2. What is it about Blogging that you enjoy the most?
  3. If you could hang out with a writer or artist from the past, for a day..  Who? and Why?
  4. The one place in the world that you want to visit but can’t seem to make it happen?
  5. What do you feel is the one thing in this world that your life is missing? What could you do to try and make this possible?

Thanks again Jeannette, this was a bunch of fun! Take care all and enjoy.



© 2018 Joseph Emerson @


  1. Hey! Congratulations on the well deserved award☺️ The first answer when you mention people reaching out to you through their responses at the time of need, same friend, absolutely same!
    Anyway, thanks a bunch for nominating me once again, there’s a lot on my hand these days and I’m keeping my goal to write a post every week, so not now but at some point I would sure make a post about it. Thanks once again😊☺️

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Dear Joe, I put a star on this notification on hold in my inbox until I could be stable enough to write a proper congratulatory comment. I love your quiet oh I meant candid answers to the award questions. Tbt, am ever curious to peep into the madman’s hat, keep it up

    Liked by 1 person

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